

Screen Shot 2013-02-23 at 5.33.55 PM

Hi, Surenix. Thank you for accepting our interview. Could you tell us anything about yourself, who are you and where are you from?


“Hi, my name is Thientam aka Surenix. I live in a small town in Canada called Kitchener where designing on platforms like iOS and Android OS is still new but booming like crazy. Other than that, I am just a normal guy, like everyone else, who does what I enjoy.”

“大家好,我叫Thientam,别名Surenix。我居住在加拿大一个叫做Kitchener的城镇里(编者按:Blackberry公司所在地),它虽然小,而且当地做iOS和Andriod OS平台的开发还不算流行,但是发展的非常迅猛。另外就是,我其实就是一个普通人,和大家一样,只是做自己喜欢做的事情。”

What are your hobbies when you are not behind the computer? What do you often do except designing?


“I try to stay active, live healthy, socialize as much as I can (when I can), play video games—normal stuff :P”


**We know that you have designed icons for many famous tweaks, such as SBSettings, Winterboard, Cyntact, TruPrint, 3GUnrestrictor and so on. So when and why did you make the decision to be an icon designer? Could you tell us, where is the inspiration from when you are designing icons? **

我们都知道你已经为许多知名插件设计过图标,像SBSettings,Winterboard,Cyntact, TruPrint,3GUnrestrictor等等。是什么时候什么原因促使你决定成为一个图标的设计者?你设计时的灵感源自于哪里?

“When I first started jailbreaking, back in 2008, I’ve noticed that there were icons that I would have to see every day. Some good, some bad. The good ones I’d keep somewhere on my home screen. The bad ones I’d throw all the way back (as far as it can go, remember, there were no folders at the time) or hide them using SBSettings but after restoring and redoing the process over and over again, I said “why hide them when I can try to improve them?” So I contacted the developers, asked if I could redesign their icons and to my surprise, they were all nice people and were willing to give me a chance.”


**I noticed that you also designed the icon of evad3rs and evasi0n, what is the special meaning of these two icons? **


“pod2g came to me a couple weeks before the launch of evasi0n and said something to me like “hey, we are making an iOS 6.x jailbreak and we are calling it evasi0n and we are known as the evad3rs”. I was surprised and happy… I mean, what would you do if pod2g came to you and said there will be an iOS 6 jailbreak soon? We talked and I got to sketching. Long story short, evasi0n and evad3rs both start with the letter E so I thought it’d be appropriate to use 1 main iconic icon for both… to not confused everyone. So basically, the main shape of the logo is what everyone sees on a regular basis—an iOS icon with the rounded corners. Also, everyone “slide to unlock” from left to right. I thought it’d be interesting to show the evad3rs evading the entire iOS be going from “right to left” with the arrow and breaking through the rounded icon—which symbolizes the iOS devices. Oh, and the programming/matrix blue background is spelling out the names of the evad3rs team members: pimskeks, pod2g, planetbeing and MuscleNerd.”

“pod2g在发布evasi0n之前找到我,他跟我说‘hey,我们现在这个团队evad3rs在做iOS 6的越狱,计划把这个越狱工具叫做evasi0n’。 我当时又惊又喜,我的意思是说,你能想象pod2g专程跑到你面前和你说‘很快就会有iOS6的越狱工具放出’吗?然后我们就进行了讨论并且画出了草图。 关于这些图标的意义,长话短说就是,因为evad3rs和evasi0n都是以E这个字母开头的,所以我想那他们共用一个具有标志性的图标应该也是可以的,而且不容易让大家产生混淆。这两个图标的主体形状其实就是大家几乎每天都能见到的iOS的图标,边角都修成圆的。还有就是每个人打开iOS设备主界面的时候,都是从左往右滑动解锁,我想体现evad3rs绕过了整个iOS系统的这个特点,于是使用了一个从右往左的逆向的箭头,而且打破了意味着iOS设备的图标的框框,意在反其道而行之,冲破束缚和限制。还有我们见到的那个由数码矩阵组成的蓝色背景,其实是由pimskeks,pod2g,planetbeing,MusleNerd这四个evad3rs的成员名字拼写成的。”

**Now you are working for evad3rs, could you tell us more about these four mysterious guys? How do you feel like working with them? **


“I’ve talked to them all at some point—all amazingly friendly people. It’s great working with/for them. They all have their roles and they all know what has to be done and so things just happen smoothly (for the most part). It’s been an honour for me to work behind the scenes and help them (when I can) and I thank them for the opportunity.”



Do you have any comments about i0n1c? You know, he had arguments with planetbeing, pod2g, chwpn and some other hackers on twitter because he believed that the hacker should not use marketing skills, such as advertisements and donations to gain profits when they were developing evasi0n. What is your point of view on this?


“I might be bias answering this question so I won’t :P”



Can you give some advice to those young people, who are planning to be developers or designers just like you?


“This might sound cliche but it worked for me: Set goals and just work towards it. Do what you love and you’ll love what you do. :) Also, ‘ask and you shall receive.’”

“1. 定下目标并且努力实现2. 做你所想,爱你所爱3. 请教也是一种收获。这些话听上去可能有些老套,但是对我而言很有意义。”


What is your further plan for the next year?


“Aside from supporting my ayecon (WinterBoard theme), I plan on releasing more beautiful and useful tweaks in Cydia and apps in the App Store. I will be releasing ActiveDock next week and working on a few more throughout this year. I will also be attending WWJC in August in New York where I will be doing a workshop on “design and theming” for anyone who’s interested or decides to come.”

“撇开我的ayecon不谈的话,我计划在Cydia和App Store上架更多好看并且实用的插件。我将在下一周推出ActiveDock(编者按:一款让iOS dock栏更接近于OS X dock栏的一款插件)并且继续工作一整年。另外,我将在今年的8月参加纽约的WWJC(World Wide Jailbreak Convention,世界越狱大会),并且我会开一个有关‘设计与主题’的研讨会,欢迎有兴趣或者有意向的朋友前来参加。”


Is there anything you want to add? Do you have some messages for us?


“Yes, keep up the good work on your website and best of luck to you. I don’t know if you’re familiar with my theme ayecon (for iPhone and iPad) but if you’d like, I would be more than happy to giveaway 5 free copies of ayecon. (just make a contest and you can pick the winners and send me their Cydia account number and I will give them each a free copy of ayecon and ayecon for iPad).”

“是的,首先祝越狱指南越办越好,好运常伴!我不知道你们对我为iPhone和iPad设计的主题ayecon是否熟悉,但是如果你们喜欢的话,我很乐意免费送出5个ayecon(可以举行一个竞赛之类的选出5名获胜者,然后把他们的Cydia ID发给我,我将送出每人一个ayecon,包括iPhone和iPad版本)。”




进入Cydia下载:iPhone/iPod版 iPad版(点击即能跳转至 Cydia 中的插件页面,只能用于 iOS 端的 Safari 浏览器,其它途径和平台无效,如若提示“找不到软件包”,请先等待 Cydia 刷新完成)

编者按:ayecon除了一整套主题外,还有相应的SBSettings主题,天气主题,时钟主题,皆可在BigBoss中免费下载。另外Surenix外还出品过inPulse($2.99)以及暂不支持iOS 6的早期主题Metius($2.99)。




